
October 14, 2022

Platform updates Friday, October 14, 2022

Website tags/grouping

You can now assign tags to your websites to group them together. Each site can have several tags. The page that lists all your websites displays all tags that have at least 1 website linked to them. This allows you to easily filter the sites.

Status Page: Historical uptime/downtime

You now have access to the uptime history of the last 90 days with coloured indicators to see which days have an uptime lower than 100.

Improved DNS observer

DNS observer is still in Beta and some people reported issues to us. We have improved how we detect changes to help reduce false positives.

We have also added a new page that highlights the differences.

New Beta badge

We try to introduce new features regularly and some of them require more development time. To avoid any ambiguity, we have introduced a badge that tells you when a feature is still in Beta.

Do you know?

My Website is Online offers unlimited monitors for each website in your account. That means you can monitor various pages or your website, not only the home page.

Start your free trial